COUGAR! Road training legend (1976 -78).

Before the Aztec, Reebok was already a well-established Road training brand in the UK, Europe and USA, the shoe that had established that reputation was Cougar, a tough yet light Road shoe that had gone through many modifications through the 1970’s. 

Marathon and Cougar (1972 to 1973)

Enter the Cougar, a new shoe for Reebok making use of new materials that had just become available and it addressed the needs of the modern runner.

The Shoe that saved Nike®!

Adidas and Nike could no longer sit it out, they had waved off Aerobics as a fitness fad that would fade, colourful women’s shoes were athleisure and took market from KEDS and Converse, it wasn’t a serious market, they reasoned.  Fitness hit them hard, double digit falls in sales and rising inventory of their long-term best sellers, filled up warehouses and soaked up cash faster than they could turn off the tap, they were both in trouble.

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