Spitfires and Hurricanes (81-84)

Not only could Pentland provide the financial backing Fireman needed but also, they had offices in Hongkong and Pusan, Korea the home of HS corporation and their factory. To head his development Paul recruited Steve Liggett, who would spend much of the next five years flying to and from Pusan where he stayed for months on end.

The legend of the Black Spot.

Both My dad and Paul Fireman would often tell this tale of those first bata shoes, those that collapsed! Reebok went on to have many more quality issues, PVC not sticking on Freestyles, resulting in removing the PVC all together and leaving just the stitching, a trademark Reebok feature created by a fault. the 0.8mm glove leather toes that got over roughed and split, backed with nylon that didn’t stick to the leather!

SOLD (March 1984)

Much has been said by those involved about the sale of the Reebok brand by my father to Reebok USA. I know however the company was up for sale within weeks of my Uncle’s death.

The 26pound running shoe (1979)

Reebok International USA Ltd had been formed earlier that year and the Aztec became one of the most expensive running shoe on the US market at $60 and was launched with an audacious advert claiming it to be ‘The 26 pound running shoe’.

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