Daybreak for JD and all the other Freds (2000-2007)

At our first meeting John had made it clear that he wanted to court JD with footwear.  That was his reason for committing to the footwear project!

Moving the market, the story of the KSB. (’95-’96)

What followed was several weeks of hour long meetings throwing idea’s around to come up with not just a new KSB3, but a whole range of new KSB’s that would target our competitors, Berghaus with Scarpa and also my Old buddy Chris Brasher. These boots would be sold in a new way, fitted by a foot gauge, Clarks style. In UK half sizes and fitted with wedges or shims. We led with the KSB launch at COLA that autumn and sales went ballistic. Mike’s insistence that we reach further had been right.

Grandad’s desk (December ’83)

It was in a bad way, veneer cracked and pieces missing. We loaded it and reported back to Bradley Fold with our haul and took my dad through what we had found.

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