A new approach ’96

In the summer of ’96 I was offered the chance to visit the Outdoor Retailer show in Reno Nevada with our ski product manager Wally Bell.
Thanks though to the US and California especially, just as 15 years before they gave us aerobics and Reebok the leg up it needed. So that trip gave me (and others) the inspiration to make and sell a new class of footwear. Outdoor ‘approach’ trainers are now a staple of any outdoor store.

Coming to America (October 1983)

Holiday of a lifetime, that was how it was billed. The furthest I’d ever been on a plane was Spain, that’s just two hours and I was off to America! A holiday in California, Disneyland, Universal Studios! New York, the Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building, but, “first we’re going to Boston.”

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