Spitfires and Hurricanes (81-84)

Not only could Pentland provide the financial backing Fireman needed but also, they had offices in Hongkong and Pusan, Korea the home of HS corporation and their factory. To head his development Paul recruited Steve Liggett, who would spend much of the next five years flying to and from Pusan where he stayed for months on end.

Sergio Tachini 99-2000

Summer of ’99 I got an invitation to meet up with David Makin of JD Sports, I hadn’t spoken to him since the early ‘80’s when I had been developing special makeups of Reebok Royales for them. 

Sticky Floor! ’96

My life at Karrimor was not all KSBs, half of the job was day sacs. We had a massive choice of packs for single day walkers.

My feet continually stuck to the floor care of the residue from the Capitol hotel carpet, I’m sure what ever was on the floor it melted the soles of my shoes.

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