Spitfires and Hurricanes (81-84)

Not only could Pentland provide the financial backing Fireman needed but also, they had offices in Hongkong and Pusan, Korea the home of HS corporation and their factory. To head his development Paul recruited Steve Liggett, who would spend much of the next five years flying to and from Pusan where he stayed for months on end.

Snazzy Fox

One of these local runners was a young man called Ron Hill, he and Jeff got on like a house on fire. Ron was very inventive, he and his wife had set up in Hyde at the other side of Manchester, making string vests and cutaway shorts to improve Ron’s middle and long distance performance. He approached Jeff in late ’69: “What I want is a spike with no spikes! Just take the spike plate off and put a piece of rubber underneath!” so, the world’s first superlight weight road racing shoe was created.

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