Sticky Floor! ’96

My life at Karrimor was not all KSBs, half of the job was day sacs. We had a massive choice of packs for single day walkers.

My feet continually stuck to the floor care of the residue from the Capitol hotel carpet, Iā€™m sure what ever was on the floor it melted the soles of my shoes.

Fancy Job Title (’93)

New Concepts Design Manager? Turned out this was not the blue skies, reebok pump, dmx designing new footwear concepts it sounded like. They had been underworked but Neville and Prabhu had a big wish list.

Rockport landing ā€™90

Luckily the young doctor spoke excellent English and after two pills and some rehydration powders I was sent home NT$300 lighter. Why am I telling you this? Eight weeks later Ray flew out to follow up on development and ended up in critical care for a week having eaten the Tuna fish sandwich. I had escaped lightly.

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