Orient express (77-83)

Reebok had struggled through the mid 70’s to fight increases in cost, inflation in the UK was running at over 10% and industrial relations between corporations and unions was at rock bottom. Every year Reebok’s prices went up while their competitions didn’t.  It was at the super show that salvation from this ever-increasing spiral was found. 

Going it alone. (’98 to ’99)

As we got to the door of the hotel, my old boss Paul Brown was there and greeted us warmly. Paul had headed the design team in the glory days of Reebok from ’82 until ’92 before leaving to follow Steve Liggett to Adidas USA. I had met and talked to him briefly in the lift of the Evergreen hotel in Taichung, while working for Clarks in ‘94. Paul had been back at Reebok twelve months prior to resurrect the fortunes of the big R. Dad and I told him of my situation. “Welcome back, we need all the help we can get!”

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