Fell backwards into the Muck (2000-2003)

“Dad, my toes are cold” little Abi, just turned four chimed up! “Mine too!” big sister added.  “Bethany’s cold too!” they sang in chorus. Jan and I soldiered on pretending we hadn’t heard them.  30 minutes later we had given up and sat warming cold toes in front of the fire!

AZII OG review

In 1982 Dave Singleton was brought in to head sales and marketing while Paul Brown was to design the next generation of Reeboks. Along with Paul came further investment in equipment and product.  

Rockport landing ’90

Luckily the young doctor spoke excellent English and after two pills and some rehydration powders I was sent home NT$300 lighter. Why am I telling you this? Eight weeks later Ray flew out to follow up on development and ended up in critical care for a week having eaten the Tuna fish sandwich. I had escaped lightly.

Introducing Swiss Tony (’89-’90)

My line manager at Reebok in ’88 was part of the new circle that were actively briefing against my dad and planning the closure of the UK factory. Late ’88 I was literally told my options would be; transfer to the US or go find a job. I had just bought a house with my fiancée the previous December and we were looking forward to our wedding in the coming summer, it was a major shock.

Loosing Confidence, (86 -87)

Ironic that when Angel Martinez had given that speech to us at Pine Isle in February ’86 and talked about being in front. Reebok’s senior management had at that moment, looked over their shoulder, blinked and lost confidence. The resumption of that confidence took three years before in late ’89 Reebok again began to promote on merit from within.

Around the World in 30days (1985)

For fans of Douglas Adams who will be aware of his book ‘The restaurant at the end of the Galaxy’ I can only describe Anchorage as ‘The airport at the end of the Galaxy!’ A long glass corridor with gates at each side the airport was miles from Anchorage and sat in the middle of raised taxiways which had deep pits surrounding them. I decided to explore and headed off to the far end past display cases of stuffed Moose, stuffed Bears, stuffed wolves in fact every type of fauna in Alaska including a family of Inuit on a sledge pulled by stuffed dogs. Bizarre!

Discovering a passion.

Here beneath the warm California sun, shaded by palm trees, there was a new sport; ‘Aerobics’ or Aerobic Workout. Angel continued to talk how, Californian ladies were taking over dance studios and working out to music in groups.

Coming to America (October 1983)

Holiday of a lifetime, that was how it was billed. The furthest I’d ever been on a plane was Spain, that’s just two hours and I was off to America! A holiday in California, Disneyland, Universal Studios! New York, the Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building, but, “first we’re going to Boston.”

We got a new GTI (July – August 1983).

The all new (in 1983) Victory GTi, standing for Gore-Tex Inner, or Interlining, was a big step forward from the earlier G model. Charcoal Pig suede, which had earlier that year graced the USA GL1600

The G’ men (1980-82)

“Joe, we need a road shoe made from Gore-Tex!” back in the UK my dad set to work and put together the world’s first Gore-Tex running shoe, The Victory G: Self-styled ‘The most advanced foul weather running shoe ever built’!

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